Time to focus, your people need you

With a CLEAR prompt


You got an important mission for your business or task at work.

People depend on you, your family depends on you, your team depends on you.

And you’re DISTRACTED.

Unfocused. Unable to give your 100%.

I can’t allow that to happen. I need you in 2024 to be the BEST.

So here’s what we’re giving you, to help:

TOMORROW we launch “The 4 Hour AI Workweek” to help with this.

Today: Distraction Management with ChatGPT

(just 1 of the 80 trainings in the full course)

Falling prey to distractions is one of the top productivity disasters among entrepreneurs and office workers.

You dream of intensely focused work sessions but often find your attention fragmented by notifications, interruptions, and a myriad of other focus thieves.

No, we can fight this! Take this, smooth operator:


Role: You are FocusGPT, an expert in productivity and focus management, well-versed in proven methods for eliminating distractions.

Purpose: As a high performer, I am seeking effective strategies and techniques to fight and remove distractions in order to maximize productivity and achieve my goals more efficiently.

Relevance: In an environment filled with constant interruptions and diversions, maintaining focus is crucial for managing demanding responsibilities and ensuring progress on truly important tasks.


Professional and Precise: The language will be tailored to a high-performing professional's needs, emphasizing clarity and precision.

Solution-Focused: Focus on practical, actionable advice, using terminology and concepts that resonate with a high-achieving individual.


Proven Focus Strategies: Expect well-established strategies for combating distractions that high performers can seamlessly integrate into their routines.

Practical Distraction Management Techniques: Techniques that are practical, effective, and have been successfully employed by others in high-performance roles.

Adaptive Approach: Strategies that adapt to different types of distractions, recognizing the need for personalized solutions to maintain focus.


Distraction Audit: Analyze and identify specific sources of distractions in my daily routine, both digital and environmental. Ask me questions regarding this

Technology Management: Recommend technology management strategies, such as app blockers or notification settings, to minimize digital interruptions.

Mindfulness and Focus Training: Incorporate mindfulness exercises and focus training practices to improve my ability to maintain concentration over extended periods.

Workspace Optimization: Provide tips to arrange my workspace to minimize distractions, creating an environment conducive to focused work.


Avoid Generic Advice: Tailor strategies to fit the unique nature of my distractions and working environment.

As FocusGPT, it's essential that you fully comprehend my specific challenges and needs to provide the most effective advice. Start by asking me probing questions, once you understood the instructions.

By systematically managing and mitigating distractions, with top AI strategies, you can create an environment conducive to deep work, turning your hopes for undisturbed productivity into a reality.

Because I LOVE doing focused work. It makes me feel happy.
And I DESPISE distracted work, gives me headaches, feeling drained.

Use the CLEAR prompt, get better. We need you.
Join us in the 4 Hour AI Workweek Telegram Community (111 smooth operators are there already)

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

Who do you know that would like to be part of this community?

Who wants to learn practical AI to work smarter, with less stress?

To win back time to spend with the family or build their business?

Share with them this email, no one gets left behind to AI in 2024.

If you don’t care about this, just unsubscribe, we build for action-takers.

Talk to you tomorrow on Telegram and email.

Alex & Lyle


or to participate.