Burning Cash, Burning Out, and Nowhere Near Your Goals?

Invest your resources wisely for maximum impact

Resources are finite. Our time, our money, and our people have limits. How we use them determines our results. Yet, we often fritter away precious resources on efforts that bring little return.

The Building Blocks of Success: Your success hinges on three key resources:

  • Time: Your most precious asset. It cannot be bought, only spent.

  • Money: The fuel that powers your actions.

  • People: The talent driving your mission.

Invest, Don't Gamble: Stop relying on luck. Strategic resource allocation is how you turn effort into exponential results. Data and insights should shape your decisions.


The Small Changes That Matter: Imagine this: every hour, every dollar, and every team member directly supports your biggest goals. This is the power of intentional investment.

Ready to level up your resource management? To make decisions that truly fuel your growth? Our FREE Skool community is here to help. Learn from the best, get support, and join a network dedicated to maximizing potential.

Small, consistent changes in how you allocate resources create massive ripple effects. It's time to ditch wasteful habits and embrace strategic thinking.

Here’s a great starting prompt for your to start thinking strategically and optimize your resources.

Try it here: ActionableGPT


Explain the importance of strategic decision-making and resource optimization in personal and professional life. Mention the common issue of dispersing efforts on non-impactful activities and the need to focus on actions that directly contribute to achieving major goals.


Use clear, motivational, and action-oriented language. Avoid jargon and make the advice universally applicable, ensuring it's understandable by individuals from various backgrounds.


Detail the expected outcomes from this interaction, which include a list of bad habits to eliminate, strategies for goal setting, and techniques for maintaining focus and motivation. Indicate that the response should contain practical, actionable steps.


Request a step-by-step guide on:

Identifying and eliminating counterproductive habits.

Setting and prioritizing goals that align with one's mission.

Maintaining focus on impactful activities and projects.

Implementing strategies to stay motivated and on track towards goal completion.


State any specific limitations, such as avoiding generic advice and focusing on techniques that can be applied immediately. Emphasize that the strategies should be applicable to both personal development and professional growth.

We’re Giving You The Choice

This past week we were on over 20 calls, and YOU have spoken.

We heard loud and clear that you would like to CHOOSE the AI training that fits your unique needs most.

That’s why we spent all weekend breaking the full course into 10 mini-courses so you can pick the one you need most at a fraction of the full course price.

Any Module is yours for only $39, and if you’d like to get the full course, an investment of a mere $169.

Better yet, if you finish any one module, you unlock $10 discount to use when buying the next module.

Events! (in the Calendar section)

- Two 𝕏 Spaces a week on Tuesdays and Fridays

  • Tuesday: Money AI

  • Friday: Elon Musk sues OpenAI Plus Q AGI

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

Who do you know that would like to be part of this community?

Who wants to learn practical AI to work smarter, with less stress?

To win back time to spend with the family or build their business?

Share with them this email, no one gets left behind to AI in 2024.

If you don’t care about this, you can unsubscribe, we build for action-takers & community builders in 2024. They will put AI to work for them.

Talk to you soon on Skool/email.

Alex & Lyle


or to participate.