ChatGPT plans my workday. And it's GREAT!

Give it a shot. Work smarter.

Monday, smooth AI operator! Let’s start the week strong, make AI work more, and you less! in 5 min:

ChatGPT is a better boss than me (GUIDE)

I'll be honest, PRIORITIZING is the top 3 skills of a successful manager. Aaaand I'm quite bad at it.

So I put AI to work in easy 3 steps:

1. I discuss about my week goals. What I want to achieve first.

Bad goals = worthless work.

How to do it: just use the ChatGPT voice function, it’s much easier to brainstorm, instead of typing everything.

How the planning should look like

2. I mention some of my tasks and ask it to organize it for me in a neat calendar schedule, with timeslots.

BONUS: Ask for extra insights to do the tasks even smarter, with outside-the-box strategies.

How to do it: just write down quickly your main tasks and ask the AI to properly organize them in a table or calendar compatible format.

3. Advanced: use the RICE prioritization method to work smarter.

Tip: just prompt it to implement RICE methodology and explain it to you, so you build the schedule together. Feels more natural, like a personal assistant conversation.

4. (Optional) Ask it at end of week for a review, based on what you got done. You just have to continue that conversation.

People forget about this, but it helps A LOT, to figure out if you’re heading in the right direction.

Just mention what you got done and ask for an overview, based on the whole week plan and further directions.

Live workshop on 17th of June (4 spots left)

Win back 2h/day. Practical, cost-effective, tested AI workflows that I use daily.

I’m sharing them in a live 1h workshop. Max 15 participants.

If you:

  • want to spend more time on YOUR life and hobbies

  • are overwhelmed with meetings & work

  • don’t know what really works with AI

And you want:

  • The exact no code AI tools & workflows I use daily to save 2-4 hours per day.

  • The strategy I use to work like a 5-man team in 1, with AI.

  • The framework I use to figure out what to automate and what to delegate or do manually.

  • How I put AI to work while I travel the world as a digital nomad.

And more, check out the AI Powerhouse Mastermind here.

If you don't care about live-in-person learning, thank you for being here either way. Have a great start of the week high-performer!

- Alex

P.S. if you have questions or looking for solutions, just answer this email, I try to answer and be helpful, I’m a human, not an AI. Yet.


or to participate.