The Competitive Trap (And How to Escape It)

Stop Copying, Start Dominating - Build an Unrivaled Brand That Shapes the Market

Competition Is for Losers, Build Something Unique

All these businesses fighting to be the best “insert trendy thing here”.

Chasing fads and momentary spikes of attention.

Here's the painful truth:

They're all just being dry knockoffs of each other.

There's already a market leader in whatever they're doing.

So they're relegating themselves to also-ran status from day one. Fighting over leftovers.

Want to know the real path to success?

Don't play that losing game of competition at all.

Craft something no one else can replicate.

Build a brand anchored in YOUR unique perspective, skills and personality.

Stop worrying about outdoing copycats.

And start creating something only you can provide.

That's how you stand out and win for the long-term.

Tired of chasing trends?

Our FREE Skool community is here to help. Learn from the best, get support, and join a network dedicated to maximizing potential.

Here’s YOUR tailored prompt on how to find and build unique products/services:

"Develop a comprehensive guide on how to identify and build unique products or services that stand out in the market and circumvent direct competition. Begin with an introduction explaining why uniqueness is crucial in today’s saturated markets. Follow this with a detailed step-by-step process covering the following points:

  1. Market Analysis:

    • How to conduct market research to understand current trends, customer needs, and existing competition.

    • Identifying gaps and opportunities in the market that have not been fully exploited.

  2. Unique Value Proposition (UVP):

    • Defining what makes your product/service unique.

    • Ways to leverage your personal strengths, experiences, or technological advancements to create your UVP.

  3. Customer Validation:

    • Techniques for validating your unique idea with potential customers.

    • How to gather feedback and refine your product/service based on this feedback.

  4. Brand Building:

    • Strategies for building a brand that reflects your UVP and resonates with your target audience.

    • Tips for communicating your brand’s uniqueness effectively through marketing and customer engagement.

  5. Scaling and Evolution:

    • Planning for the growth of your unique product/service while maintaining its distinctiveness.

    • Adapting to market changes without losing your unique edge.

Conclude the guide with advice on maintaining a balance between innovation and practicality, ensuring that the unique product or service is not only different but also viable and valuable to the target market."

We’re Giving You The Choice

This past week we were on over 20 calls, and YOU have spoken.

We heard loud and clear that you would like to CHOOSE the AI training that fits your unique needs most.

That’s why we spent all weekend breaking the full course into 10 mini-courses so you can pick the one you need most at a fraction of the full course price.

Any Module is yours for only $39, and if you’d like to get the full course, an investment of a mere $169.

Better yet, if you finish any one module, you unlock $10 discount to use when buying the next module.

Events! (in the Calendar section)

- Two 𝕏 Spaces a week on Tuesdays and Fridays

Become an AI & ChatGPT Genius in just 3 hours for FREE!  (Early Easter Sale)

Join ChatGPT & AI Workshop (worth $199) at no cost (Offer valid for first 100 people only) 🎁

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

Who do you know that would like to be part of this community?

Who wants to learn practical AI to work smarter, with less stress?

To win back time to spend with the family or build their business?

Share with them this email, no one gets left behind to AI in 2024.

If you don’t care about this, you can unsubscribe, we build for action-takers & community builders in 2024. They will put AI to work for them.

Talk to you soon on Skool/email.

Alex & Lyle


or to participate.