Your Life is Not a Conference Room: Escape Meeting Madness

Reclaim your time, boost your productivity, and get back to real work.

Meetings drain your time, your energy, and your focus. The constant barrage leaves you with little time for the deep work that truly matters.

It doesn't have to be this way.

You can reclaim your workdays, refocus your efforts, and achieve remarkable results. The secret? Building work habits that limit mindless meetings.

Here's how to start:

  • Audit your schedule. Track your meetings for a week. Which ones could be replaced with a quick email? Cancel everything that isn't vital.

  • Protect your focus. Block off hours each day as "Meeting Free." This is your time for tackling significant projects.

  • Demand agendas. Before attending any meeting, ask for a clear agenda. If there isn't one, or your presence isn't critical, respectfully decline.

  • Go asynchronous. Slack, shared documents, and project management tools allow for collaboration without sucking up your calendar.

Imagine what's possible. Less time shuffling between meetings means more time doing work you're proud of.

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Your potential isn't unlocked in a conference room. Build better work habits and see what you can really achieve.

Here’s a great starting prompt for you to get the most out of your meetings in less time.

Try it here: MeetingGPT


I'm suffering from excessive meetings in professional settings, which often detract from productive work time and deep focus. It proposes a series of strategies for individuals to reclaim their time by reducing unnecessary meetings and adopting more efficient work habits.


The prompt should be crafted in casual English, maintaining a professional yet encouraging tone. The language should resonate with individuals overwhelmed by meetings and looking for practical solutions to enhance their work efficiency.


The expected output is a detailed guide or a set of actionable steps based on the strategies outlined in the context. This guide should help individuals audit their meeting schedules, protect their focus time, demand meeting agendas, and leverage asynchronous communication tools to minimize the impact of meetings on their productivity.


  1. Generate a step-by-step plan for individuals to audit their meeting schedules effectively, identifying non-essential meetings that can be eliminated or replaced with emails.

  2. Provide practical advice on how to establish and protect "Meeting Free" hours for deep work without interruption.

  3. Offer tips on how to request meeting agendas and make informed decisions about attendance based on the agenda's relevance and the individual's contribution.

  4. Suggest ways to encourage and implement asynchronous communication within teams to reduce reliance on synchronous meetings.

Restrictions to AI:

  • Do not provide generic advice that lacks specific actionable steps.

  • Avoid suggesting actions that would disrupt professional relationships or workplace etiquette (e.g., unilaterally canceling meetings without discussion).

  • Refrain from referencing or assuming specific tools or platforms unless they are widely recognized for workplace communication and collaboration (like Slack).

  • Ensure that the advice is applicable across a variety of professional settings, not tailored to a specific industry.

Given the challenges posed by excessive meetings in the workplace, which often hinder productivity and deep focus, create a comprehensive guide that outlines practical steps for professionals to reclaim their time. This guide should include methods for auditing meeting schedules, establishing "Meeting Free" hours, requesting and evaluating meeting agendas, and embracing asynchronous communication. Your advice should be actionable, respectful of workplace dynamics, and adaptable to various professional environments.

We’re Giving You The Choice

This past week we were on over 20 calls, and YOU have spoken.

We heard loud and clear that you would like to CHOOSE the AI training that fits your unique needs most.

That’s why we spent all weekend breaking the full course into 10 mini-courses so you can pick the one you need most at a fraction of the full course price.

Any Module is yours for only $39, and if you’d like to get the full course, an investment of a mere $169.

Better yet, if you finish any one module, you unlock $10 discount to use when buying the next module.

Events! (in the Calendar section)

- Two 𝕏 Spaces a week on Tuesdays and Fridays

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

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Talk to you soon on Skool/email.

Alex & Lyle


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