From Overworked to Overachiever

Use AI’s Power to Transform Your Workday

What you envision, you attract…

Yesterday, I grabbed coffee at my go-to spot in town. Not your average café with over-roasted beans and syrupy lattes.

I'm talking about a place where the coffee is as innovative as Silicon Valley's tech scene.

As I’m sitting there, I read a quote “Your thoughts become your reality.” So I’d like to ask you: “What thoughts do you want to actualize and realize in 2024?”

Do you want to travel abroad? Start your business? Take care of your health?

Perhaps you’re thinking about productivity, being more effective, become 365% smarter.

But given you’re all part of the 4 Hour AI Workweek community, the overarching theme seems to be PRODUCTIVITY.

And rightly so. Generative AI is here to help YOU AND your TEAM achieve their full potential in 2024.

Close your eyes for a second, and visualize the following:

Slashing your team's admin workload by 71%... Watching productivity skyrocket by 70%... And seeing the quality of work soar for over two-thirds of your staff.

It’s not just with ChatGPT, Generative AI is now in Microsoft 365, here’s the impact it has:

  • Boosts Productivity by 70%: Spend less time on mundane tasks and more on what truly matters, driving your business forward.

  • Saves 71% on Admin Tasks: Free up your schedule for strategic thinking and creative problem-solving.

  • Improves Work Quality for 68% of Users: Elevate the standard of your outputs, making every project a showcase of excellence.

  • Indispensable Tool for 77% of Users: Become part of the elite group that's setting new benchmarks in efficiency and innovation.

PS: Wondering if AI can make a real difference in your day-to-day? Let us show you the possibilities. Your competitors are already making the shift...

Over 1,200 students tried The 4 Hour AI Workweek, here’s your chance

The 4 Hour AI Workweek

The showdown we have been waiting for

The much anticipated Google Gemini Ultra is here and we’ve ran a battery of tests to compare it to the might of GPT4.

Check the results in the 𝕏 post below.

P.S. You already know the winner ;)

I have ONE MORE exciting thing to share with you today!

In 2024, we want you to immerse in AI productivity with us.

To totally transform the way you work.

The best way to do this in none other than - COMMUNITY

AI is the greatest innovation of our lifetime.

But we need a space and opportunity to LEARN and SHARE.


We want YOU to JOIN us in The 4-Hour AI Workweek Skool community to help you become your best in 2024, with AI skills.

To win time, build your solo business and enjoy life more, with AI.

Let’s create the best practical AI community in 2024.

Here is your Invitation. (Join 290+ members🤯🤩)
The 4 Hour AI Workweek

We’re launching the premium version soon, stay tuned…

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

Who do you know that would like to be part of this community?

Who wants to learn practical AI to work smarter, with less stress?

To win back time to spend with the family or build their business?

Share with them this email, no one gets left behind to AI in 2024.

If you don’t care about this, you can unsubscribe, we build for action-takers & community builders in 2024. They will put AI to work for them.

Talk to you soon on Skool/email.

Alex & Lyle


or to participate.