The Skeptic's Surprise | SORA's Release | Gemini 1.5 Pro

This completely changed my mind about AI

Honestly, a year ago I wasn't buying the AI hype. I mean, sure, it's impressive... but replacing humans? Replacing what I do? No way.

Then, I got stuck on ideas for our new landing page. It was draining all my time and creativity. Out of desperation, I fired up ChatGPT, almost sarcastically asking for help.

I won't lie, I was stunned. Not just by good ideas, but how it helped me think about the problem differently. It was like unlocking a part of my brain I didn't know existed!

I was immersed in deep work, aka “the flow state” where focus comes so naturally, the work completes itself.

If you want to set yourself up for optimal flow, try the prompt below:

I realized… there's no shame in getting a creative boost. After all, up-skilling in AI does the same thing… it's about supercharging your abilities, not replacing them.

🚨 BREAKING: OpenAI just launched Sora, an AI model that can create 60-second videos from just text prompts.


🚨 Google just dropped Gemini Pro 1.5, the next version of its AI model with a 1,000,000+ token context length.

The model is capable of digesting entire books, full movies, and podcast series' all in one go.

This is far superior to other competitor Chatbot context windows.

Gemini Pro 1.5 now uses a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) approach for more efficient training and higher-quality responses.

Impressive to see Google ship Pro 1.5 mid-February just after the launch of Pro 1.0 in December, and Advanced last week.

Today we're offering you a FREE entry into our PREMIUM Skool community (launching soon) if you buy the 4 Hour AI Workweek full course – I can't promise this deal will last long though!

The 4 Hour AI Workweek

P.S. We know you’re tired of the endless workday GRIND… Well, we recently unlocked some AI "secrets" that helped us cut down our weekly workload dramatically. No hype, just practical tactics that made a HUGE difference.

Enter "The 4 Hour AI Workweek"!

You’ll reclaim hours back every single week without sacrificing results. This course reveals AI strategies for high performers who don't want to sacrifice quality for speed. (And 1,263 students are loving it)

P.P.S. "Wait a minute… AI sounds complex, and I’m not sure where to start." We get it! That's why we also have a separate FREE mini-course that gets you up-to-speed fast. Turn AI into your productivity superpower, all within a single afternoon.

Ready to transform your work with AI?

Join our exclusive "4-Hour AI Workweek" Skool community.

We'll teach you time-saving AI strategies, help you build new skills, and connect you with like-minded professionals.

Here is your Invitation. (Join 330+ members)
The 4 Hour AI Workweek

We’re launching the premium version soon, stay tuned…

Let’s do it TOGETHER.

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Who wants to learn practical AI to work smarter, with less stress?

To win back time to spend with the family or build their business?

Share with them this email, no one gets left behind to AI in 2024.

If you don’t care about this, you can unsubscribe, we build for action-takers & community builders in 2024. They will put AI to work for them.

Talk to you soon on Skool/email.

Alex & Lyle


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